Domain name is a unique address of your website that allows visitors on the internet to directly access your website by simply typing www.yourcompany_name. your preferred extension (i.e. com, .in, .co. in etc). With a good domain name it’s very easy for companies, friends and relatives to find you on the internet.
However attractive your website may look, but a good domain name is a very essential part for getting your website well-recognized on various listed search engines like Google, Yahoo & many more. After you purchase a domain name your details (name, company name, address, etc.) are recorded in the database along with the domain name. The minimum validity period for a domain registered is one year and the maximum depends upon your requirement. You don’t need to get worried for all these process as we take care of it while we serve you.

What services do we offer when you buy your domains from us:
- Free Email Accounts
- DNS Service
- Unlimited Mail Forwards
- Free Domain Name Locking
- Free Hosting
- Free Forwarding / Masking
- Privacy Protection
- Domain Forwarding
- Domain Theft Protection
- Free Parking Page
- Linuz Web Hosting Plans
Domain names come with many extensions :
- .com
- .co
- .net
- .in
- .net
- .asia
- .biz
- .info